Monday, June 7, 2010

Checking In and Grounding

Its my first day back from attending the Celebrate Your Life Conference in Chicago and I still feel rather floaty. I can really feel the creative energy flowing through my veins and my senses are on overkill. Its like a continual adrenaline rush that is invigorating and exhilerating and all of those other good "ing" words.

The most amazing part was not just meeting some of the world's most prolific and masterful authors and speakers, believe it or not. It was also being in the presence of some of the great and honorable people behind those authors and speakers. The people who take care of their schedules, help them with various tasks, book their appearances, have them on radio shows, and yes, even the fans themselves who are the driving force behind the authors' success.

The Celebrate Your Life Conference was a work of genius that flowed with a magnificent force of love and the great numbers of people that attended were all there for the same reason. To create that love in their life and in turn to change their life for the better. I am so very honored to have been a part of this process, having a great time seeing all of the magnificent changes taking place. And also to have been able to provide our loving social media support to fans who couldn't attend.  And we could have done it without even being thrust into the limelight, but the Universe had something else in store.

While we were anxiously awaiting the beginning of the closing Key Note by Deepak Chopra, the audience was greeted by Liz Dawn Donahue who made several thank you's to her staff and the authors and then much to our surprise mentioned the facebook and twitter pages and asked Susan and me to stand up! I did stand up, and then turned around and saw the perhaps 2000 people there all clapping and I look over at Susan and she is filming the entire crowd with her flip camera. I think that is when I actually started to float above my body.

Deepak then took the stage and I spent the next two hours happily floating above my body and absorbing each word the man said. He had a great presentation and I was quite impressed by it. I recommend you visit his new website,

We floated to the airport shortly after that presentation, and floated onto the plane and floated all of the way home and yes, even floated to bed. It occurred to me a little while ago that I am still floating and more work has found its way to our doorstep and the connections that we made while in Chicago are already starting to fire up possibilities.

As much as I love floating, its time to check in with my feelings and ground myself.


As for grounding, I think a meditation will work just fine.

You can visit Celebrate Your Life's Facebook Page or Follow them on Twitter.